Monday, July 7, 2008

Suitable Styles and Advices for Tai Chi Lovers

There is a common misconception for the new generation to think that Tai Chi is just for the elderly. It is popular for the older people because Tai Chi can contribute so much to their health. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t need to experience the rejuvenating power of Tai Chi. In fact, there are several forms of Tai Chi that can be practiced by people of all ages.

If they wanted something subtle and can also be used as a form of self-defense, you can try to practice the Sun style. It was derived from different kung fu techniques. You can choose from the different kinds of styles, anything that suits you.

Classes that form Tai Chi raises up to 15-20 people only. This is so they wouldn’t crowd in one place because Tai Chi is an art that needs sufficient space; wide enough to fit everyone in and not hit each other while doing the activity. The most common population included therein are those belonging to the early 20s until the late 80s. These are the people who see the benefits in performing Tai Chi.

According to physical therapists and those that are joined in the medical field, there are five distinct forms of Tai Chi and within these styles there are different variations. It is said that Tai Chi is suitable for those who are experiencing arthritis. Therapists are using the Sun style Tai Chi for lessening the effects of arthritis. If you are the kind that has arthritis, never try the Chen style because it is a bit brisk and is an active style that is not very much recommended.

If you have enrolled in a Tai Chi class that introduces several styles, that would be fine. Always remember that the right kind of Tai Chi is the one that you can easily perform without the fear of suffering pain or going through the excruciating movements that you can’t do. You have to do motions that don’t need any force.

Before enrolling in a Tai Chi session, make sure that you have spare time because it lasts for an hour and is held at least once or thrice a week. First, the instructors will start out on the easy task like a subtle warm up and deep breathing exercises. They may also suggest a brief meditation to calm the mind.

The instructor will demonstrate poses leading to sequences until it is linked in longer and smoother sequences that are all done in a step-by-step manner. You can either be taught to perform slowly or in a more energetic and speedy way. But you have to take note that the movements are always done in a very soft and graceful manner. The attention to posture and breathing is always emphasized.

As the way classes begin, it’s the way classes end. Sometimes, you do exercises to cool you down or even a short meditation is done. And when the class is adjourned, you will feel more refreshed and relaxed than before. If ever you felt pain on parts of your muscles and joints, tell your instructor about it. So as to change the movements that can be applied for your limits.

Now before you apply to the program, ask your doctor’s opinion about it especially if you have encountered any health problems in the past. You can ask certain advise if what are the movements to prevent.

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